Here’s what she said.Īrya has always been a fan of warrior women: When Tywin talks about Aegon the Conqueror, she’s quick to remind him of Aegon’s warrior sister-wives. We put the question to Jennifer Vineyard. Several commenters were confused or curious about the fact that Arya’s wolf shared the same name as one of the Sand Snakes. Our Commenters Ask: Why Are Two Characters Named Nymeria? Perhaps more than one can sing that particular song - it might sound like a duet. Who can say whether any of it will come to pass? But it’s worth noting that Rhaegar Targaryen was obsessed with this one, and he believed his baby would be the prince who was promised: “His is the song of ice and fire,” Dany heard him say in a vision in the books. And she has actually hatched some dragons out of stone.Prophecies are tricky things, and they change in form as they get passed down through the ages. Could this have fulfilled the requirements of a bleeding star?But Dany has also been resurrected to an extent, if you count her emerging unscathed from the funeral pyre. Observant fans may have noticed Arthur Dayne’s sword leaning against the bed during Jon’s bloody birth - not only was that recently-bloodied sword said to have been forged from a meteorite (a falling star) but a rising sun (itself a star) is emblazoned on the hilt. Jon Snow’s resurrection, and the revelation about his true heritage puts him on the list of possible candidates. According to one woods witch in the books, this chosen one will come from a particular Targaryen bloodline – a bloodline the Baratheons shared via a grandparent. Azor Ahai will also have a legendary weapon, a burning sword drawn from the fire called Lightbringer. In Melisandre’s homeland of Asshai, this hero is called Azor Ahai, and they believe that he (or she, apparently) will be born again amid smoke and salt, heralded by a bleeding star, to wake dragons out of stone. Different cultures and different religions believed this hero would be reborn and, when needed, would save the world again.

The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas, and the dead shall rise in the North.”ĭuring the Long Night, a savior figure known as the Last Hero defended the realms of men by fighting in what became known as the Battle for the Dawn. It’s a tale that Old Nan told Bran as a bedtime story, and it looks to be happening again, just as Melisandre foretold during her very first scene: “After the long summer, the darkness will fall heavy on the world.

The history that is repeating is that of the Long Night, the winter that lasted a generation and brought the White Walkers for the first time, thousands of years ago.

Part of the prophecy is that history will repeat itself, and when it does, a hero will be reborn. But what is this prophecy, and why would anyone interpret Jon or Dany to be its fulfillment? (Blame the gender confusion on a mistranslation.) Other red priestesses in Volantis and Meereen have preached that it was Dany all along. Melisandre used to think the prince who was promised was Stannis, then she thought it was Jon Snow and now, perhaps, it’s Daenerys Targaryen. In the world of “Game of Thrones,” we’ve mostly heard about it from Melisandre, who has been dropping messiah hints since Season 2. Remind Me, What Is This Prophecy Melisandre Keeps Talking About?Īlmost every fantasy story has one - a Chosen One, that is.